Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ah, Christmas morning! What fun with the two boys. Dallin could hardly wait to tear through all the gifts. Taking turns has never been his best quality. Andrew handled all the commotion very well and was excited to play with all the new toys. The boys really enjoyed the Shake 'N Go cars from Grandma Streeter.

Here are all my boys together. Of course my vanity prevented me from being in any pics since I had not showered yet and was still in my PJ's. I really don't like being preserved for future viewing looking my worst. Someone has to take the pics right?!

Dallin ran outside at one point during the morning and Andrew escaped as well in his PJ's wearing his backpack. It was too cute to not take a picture. Yes that is drool hanging down from his chin. Andrew drools like he is a dog rather than a little boy. I don't understand why, all his teeth are in. What can you do, he is still adorable.

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After our delicious ham dinner on Christmas Eve, Jared suggested we go for a drive to look at Christmas lights. This was the most impressive house we could find. Jared and I decided that when it comes to displaying your Christmas spirit with lights residents of Utah have Virginian's beat hands down!

Dallin was so excited to open his one present all day. So of course we made him wait as long as we could. While driving around looking at lights he would say "let's go home now and open presents and have dessert". He wasn't even disappointed when his present was PJ's.

Andrew really enjoyed decorating the tree this year. As you would expect the tree was quite heavy around the bottom. We did have to redistribute the ornaments later, but the tree was remodeled by both Dallin and Andrew on a daily basis. Also four ornaments didn't make it to see Christmas morning, oh well. Good thing they are inexpensive and have no sentimental value.

Dallin has always enjoyed decorating the tree. I think he was more excited about that than asking Santa for presents. He is just starting to understand the concept of Santa Claus and that he brings the presents on Christmas morning. Since the only cartoons Dallin watches are on PBS, which has no commercials, he doesn't know that every kid on the planet wants a TMX Elmo or any of the other "hot" toys. That is perfectly fine with me!

We tried to get the boys standing by the tree, but good luck getting them to NOT run away, so here is part of the "finished" tree. You are lucky they are both sitting and somewhat smiling. Getting two boys to cooperate for a picture is a Christmas Miracle itself.