Monday, May 12, 2008

Day Out with Thomas!
Andrew's birthday gift from Grandma Pennington was tickets to Day Out with Thomas and he was so excited. There were all sorts of train activities with the highlight being a train ride on Thomas the Tank Engine.
Here we are with a giant Percy train. Percy is Andrew's favorite so he was a little disappointed we couldn't ride on this.

Here are the boys on the train. They are covered train cars with big openings on both sides (no windows) and the boys could stand up and look out and wave to the cars we passed. They had a blast. Notice Andrew is wearing his Thomas shirt of course.


Belnap Family said...

That looks like such a fun place! What little boy wouldn't have a blast there!?

Monica said...

It sounds like a little kid's dream! How fun!

Monica said...
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kris streeter said...

What a fun activity.