Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This is our new favorite park in Woodland. It is called Ferns park and the boys love it. There is so much to do. These pics only show a small portion of it. It is like tree house and castle rolled into one with towers and stairs and leading up and down and all over.

Andrew fell asleep in this giant swing one afternoon so I just let him take a nap in it.
In addition to all the great toys to play on there is a water play area with rings that spray water and fountains that randomly spray water out similar to the fountains at Gateway in SLC. Dallin plays in the water for hours, but Andrew wants nothing to do with it.


Stephanie said...

That looks like the funnest park! i really wish that they would get more fun parks like that here. There is a fun new one in Logan that we went to last year but not nearly as cool as that.

AdAmy said...

Looks like sooo much fun! There is a park in Logan called Ryan's Place that is suppose to be pretty cool. Looking at these pictures makes me want to check it out. I love the picture of Andrew asleep in the swing. My girls could never do that.

Monica said...

We love Ryan's place park, but it does not even compare to this one!!!!

Belnap Family said...

why oh why is Idaho Falls so behind?! We just barely got an "equal access" park like the one at Willow park in Logan. Yah those were new and cool like 7 years ago!!!

kris streeter said...

Dallin has always loved the water, so him playing in it doesn't even surprise me. I am so impressed with the new parks being built, they are tons better than the ones my kids used to play on.

Kristen said...

That looks like the coolest park! So much fun for the boys!