Thursday, May 15, 2008

Well it is one hour away from being May 15th which is my 9th wedding anniversary, but there is nothing and no one to celebrate with. Jared and I remain separated by much more than just miles which makes me sad in a way that cannot be put into words. It seems so unfair that I am in this situation and so immature of me to have this attitude. It is what it is and I need to deal with it, but how do you deal with it is what I want to know. Some days I think I do pretty good at pretending to be dealing with it, but I just try not to think about it. The boys and I are still planning on heading to Utah once school finishes for Dallin at the end of June. How the boys and I and all our stuff will get there is still to be determined. I hope to get a job and start saving for a place the boys and I can call home rather than the free loading off my parents we have been and will continue to do for the next few months.
There are so many times I ask myself where it (my marriage) all went wrong. What if I had done this? Why couldn't I be more like that? My bishop has advised me that it is counter productive to think this way, I just wish I could tell my brain and heart to stop. Today I read "A Matter of a Few Degrees" by Elder Uchtdorf from the priesthood session of last conference and it was amazing. It seems to me that is what happened. Our relationship some how got a few degrees off course and when we returned to our starting point we were 500 miles apart. Yesterday I read "Daughters of God" by Elder Ballard. This made me laugh and gave me hope. I want to do the best for my kids and be a good example to them and raise them in the gospel to be righteous young men and fathers. I want their measure of success to be great husbands to their wives and be the best fathers and providers for their children that they can be. I hope I am doing that, I feel like I fall short of the mark most days. I am trying more and more to "treasure the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less" as Elder Ballard put it. That is hard for a person who treasures efficiency. Well I had better get to bed since a day full of treasures lies ahead for me.


The Conrad Family said...

Oh Laura my heart aches for you! I am so very sorry that you are going through this right now. I think you are doing amazingly well...probably better than you give yourself credit for. It seems to me you are doing everything you should be doing. Following the counsel given by the prophets will make all the difference in the world. I am sure it is difficult but I know that if anyone can come through this stronger and better it will be you! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. We will continue to keep you in our prayers! Take care!

AdAmy said...

I could not have said it better than Shae. I feel the same way. I just want you to have the peace in your life that you deserve. Continue to stay close to your Heavenly Father and he will continue to guide you. I wish you all the best!

Monica said...

We love you and miss you. It will be so nice to have you and the boys a little closer!

kris streeter said...
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Alli said...

Oh, Laura, I love you. I pray for you often. I echo the remarks of those who have previously commented. I am sure you are doing better than you give yourself credit for. The Lord is with you even thought at times it might not feel like it.

I love you so much. Let me know if you need anything.

The Bunker Family said...

Just know that you and the boys are being prayed for. We hope you are doing okay! Let us know if you need anything.

Kristen said...

My heart is aching Laura. You are so sweet. We all fall short by our own measures, but the most important thing is to not give up (although at times we really want to). You are incredible. Just know that there are tons of us out there that think about you and love you all.